I am using cfspreadsheet to read the values out of an excel sheet and then I do a query of queries to sort the date field because all fields returned by cfspreadsheet are of the "VarChar" type. Here is the code:
<cfspreadsheet action = "read" query = "mySpreadsheet" src = "mp.xls" sheet="1" rows="2-178">
<cfquery name="mySpreadsheet2" dbtype="query">
(CAST(date_field as DATE)) as mydate
from mySpreadsheet order by mydate
In the spreadsheet the dates are in Euro format dd/mm/yy. The problem is the CAST function in the query of queries turns the 'date_field' from varchar to date but the American type of date (month first, day after).
For example the excel date_field column contains this value 01/07/2011 (July first 2011 since it is a Eurodate) but it gets converted to {ts '2011-01-07 00:00:00'} in the query of queries.
Is there a way to use CAST in the query of queries to produce a European style date? To get around this in oracle you would do: to_date(date_field, 'DD:MM:YY') but I don't know how to tackle this here.
As mentioned in some of the comments, CAST
applies U.S. date formatting rules when parsing date strings. So an ambiguous value like 01/07/2011
will always be interpreted as January 7th.
Since the date format is known, I think the two simplest options are to either:
A) Iterate through the query and parse the date strings manually:
<cfloop query="yourQuery">
<cfif LSIsDate(yourQuery.DateCol, "English (UK)")>
<cfset yourQuery.DateCol[currentRow] = LSParseDateTime(yourQuery.DateCol, "English (UK)") />
B) Change the underlying cell format as Sean suggested. Apply a U.S. format like mm/dd/yyyy
so the returned strings will be correctly parsed by CAST
. Or you could simply apply a non-ambiguous format like yyyy-mm-dd
, which would sort correctly even as a string.
<!--- read in the workbook --->
<cfset sheet = spreadSheetRead("c:/path/file.xls")>
<!--- apply the new format and save back to disk --->
<cfset SpreadSheetFormatColumn(sheet, {dataFormat="yyyy-mm-dd"}, yourDateColumn)>
<cfset SpreadSheetWrite(sheet, "c:/path/file.xls", true)>
<cfspreadsheet action="read" query="yourQuery" src="c:/path/file.xls" sheet="1" rows="2-178" >