I have the following interface:
public interface IPlateSubCategory<T> {
T GetItem(int plateID);
And the following classes that implements the interface:
public class Thermo : IPlateSubCategory<ThermoItem> {
public ThermoItem GetItem(int plateID) {
// code that implements GetItem
public class Thickness : IPlateSubCategory<ThicknessItem> {
public ThicknessItem GetItem(int plateID) {
// code that implements GetItem
public class Density : IPlateSubCategory<DensityItem> {
public DensityItemGetItem(int plateID) {
// code that implements GetItem
And now I'm trying to create a factory that can return an instantiated object that implements the IPlateSubCategory interface. However, I'm really struggling at this point and I can't get the code right. Here is what I have so far, but I'm not quite there yet.
public class PlateSubCategory_Factory {
public enum Categories {
Thermo = 1,
Thickness = 2,
Density = 3
public static IPlateSubCategory GetPlateSubCategory(Categories cat) {
IPlateSubCategory retObj = null;
if (cat == Categories.Thermo)
retObj = new Thermo();
// other instantiations of classes that implement interface would follow
return retObj;
Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks!
You've defined IPlateSubCategory<T>
to be generic. Your factory method needs to return an implementation of this interface. If you put a backing interface on your *Item classes e.g.:
public class ThermoItem : IItem
You can then change your factory to look like this:
public static IPlateSubCategory<IItem> GetPlateSubCategory(Categories cat)
switch (cat)
case Categories.Thermo:
return new Thermo();
case Categories.Thickness:
return new Thickness();
case Categories.Density:
return new Density();
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cat");