I'm using django-taggit to create an app that stores not only to-do items but also informational items. Both a to-do items and informational items can be tagged.
When I pull a list of tags for to-do items, I run the following query:
action_tags = Tag.objects.order_by('name').filter(action__complete=False).annotate(action_count=Count('action'))
This gives me the name of all tags for which there are incomplete to-dos. It also gives me the count of incomplete to-dos.
For the informational items, there is no field for "complete"; information items just "are". So I want to write a query that pulls all the tags for which there is at least one informational item. How might that be written?
I think this is the way, assuming info_item
is the foreign key you want to verify exists:
tags = Tag.objects.filter(