I have a Site Map link that opens up a Web Resource .htm page. Everything works great except I want to pass some values to that page. I assumed I could pass them as a querystring since there is the Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters() method but my querystring seems to get stripped out.
<SubArea Icon="$webresource:my_webresourceicon.gif"Id="nav_my_webresourceid" Url="$webresource:my_webresourcepage.htm?xyz=123" Client="All" AvailableOffline="false" Title="My Web Resource Page" Description="My Web resource Description" Sku="All" PassParams="true"/>
I want to be able to access the parameter xyz from my_webresourcepage.htm as the page loads. What is the best way to go about passing this value?
Unfortunately you can't pass xyz unless you modify the registry. Instead, you want to use the parameter "data".