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MSCRM Sitemap link to .htm page. How do I pass parameters?

I have a Site Map link that opens up a Web Resource .htm page. Everything works great except I want to pass some values to that page. I assumed I could pass them as a querystring since there is the Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters() method but my querystring seems to get stripped out.

<SubArea Icon="$webresource:my_webresourceicon.gif"Id="nav_my_webresourceid" Url="$webresource:my_webresourcepage.htm?xyz=123" Client="All" AvailableOffline="false" Title="My Web Resource Page" Description="My Web resource Description" Sku="All" PassParams="true"/>

I want to be able to access the parameter xyz from my_webresourcepage.htm as the page loads. What is the best way to go about passing this value?



  • Unfortunately you can't pass xyz unless you modify the registry. Instead, you want to use the parameter "data".