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Can Agile Toolkit generate its model from existing SQL DB?

Brief Background

I'm investigating the potential of investing in Agile Toolkit for a future project. I like its approach and it's largley perfect for my needs - with the possible exception that I may have misinterpreted its support for models that originate from SQL.

I prefer to work with standard tools (e.g. visual modelers) to build and maintain my database. I also build as many of the constraints as possible directly into the SQL (lots of - unimportant, personal - reasons).

Generate Agile Toolkit Model from SQL

According the the Agile Toolkit documentation, Atk4 allows you to "create SQL first and generate models." (My emphasis.) But I have found nothing that allows me to generate an Atk model from the SQL.

Has anyone done this? How robust is the generated model? (E.g. Will it make "non-null" SQL fields "mandatory" in the Atk model? Will it generate derived relationships from the SQL foreign keys? etc...)

My fear is that I'm misinterpreting the documentation. Perhaps it meant to say that you could "create the SQL first and then create the models" (i.e. earlier in the paragraph, "create" means "manually code" and "generate" means "auto-generate").

I'd appreciate any and all thoughts.


  • Here is the generator page:

    to use, create a new page in your application and extend if from this class.