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Windows 7 O.S: unable to change the Date

I have set the date and time in Control Panel Date and Time Right click Run as administrator.

After I restarted the system.its giving the wrong date.


  • Todays date is 03/19/2012
  • I changed it to 03/24/2012
  • I reboot the system.
  • It displays the date as 03/19/2012


  • Click the Clock and click Change time and date settings…

    Set the time under the Date and Time tab

    And under the Internet Time tab, click Change Settings

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Uncheck Synchronize time with an Internet time server. Then press OK.

    Reboot now, The time must be the one that you had set(Of course it would have advanced by a couple of sec/min based on the time taken for the system to restart).