I am trying to build subversion 1.7.4 on my ReadyNas Duo, it's a Sparc box running Debian with a couple of disks in it I use as my NAS.
When i do a ./configure --prefix /c/local/packages from my subversion-1.7.4 directory I get configure: error: No XML parser found! Please specify --with-expat or --with-libxml2
apr is failing to configure, says it can find libxml2 -- which is there /usr/lib/limxml2.so, I've also done an apt-get install libxml2-dev
The thing is so dog slow it takes ages to fail, I would use a binary dist but the eclipse plug in didn't want to play with it because it was too old...
any ideas?
The trick was to cd into the apr directory in the subversion source directory and do a ./configure --with-libxml2=/usr/lib before returning to the subversion source directory and running ./configure from there again.
Not the last problem encountered for anyone wishing to build the latest subversion on a ReadyNAS Duo