So basically I have something like this:
private SortedDictionary<Priority, List<String>> example = new SortedDictionary<Priority, List<String>>(new PriorityComparer());
public void Submit(Priority priority, String test)
if (!example.ContainsKey(priority))
example.Add(priority, new List<String> { test });
// adds an entry with the key (Priority.Low) twice, why?
example[priority].Add(test); // never called
For just submitting a bunch of test elements:
Submit(Priority.Critical, "test4");
Submit(Priority.Low, "test");
Submit(Priority.Normal, "test3");
Submit(Priority.Low, "test2");
Priority is just an enum with priority levels ranging anywhere from Low (0) to Critical (10). It's just a typical enum, nothing fancy.
Priority comparer:
public class PriorityComparer : IComparer<Priority>
public int Compare(Priority x, Priority y)
if (x > y)
return -1;
return 1;
Your compare implementation is incomplete. You're missing the case when x == y (return 0).