i have two classes, one named Main other is Results
(a) the Main class screen have 2 fields:
1- EditField
2- ButtonField
(b) Result class: in this class there is url connection
i want once i click on the ButtonField it go to the other screen with the data i entred in the EditField to parse the xml accourding to my submit text
like this :
http://www.test.com/search.php?q=[ i want the text in the EditField to be here ]
pleaase i have been trying for 2 weeks
i'm very very new at BlackBerry development
okkk you can make one constructor having parameter is of String type of the Result
class. Get the String from EditField
in Button Click From your Main
class like this way
Strnig urlString = youreditfield.getText();//this will be in fieldChanged or any method
you have used for pushing the Screen
and pass this String to that class which you are pushing from the button click like this way
UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new Result(urlString));
And yourclass constructor would be
Result(String yourEditfieldurl) {
Assign this url to a variable and use it in Result class that's it
Or you can make a Static variable
like this In main class make a varible like this
public static String editFieldUrl;
assign the value in ButtonField click method
editFieldUrl = yourEditfield.getText();
and use this variable in the other class. I think this may help you.