I have a css file that I only want to be visible to Firefox browsers. I thought I was super-smart coming up with
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
@import url("/a-large-css-file.css");
...only to find out that @import directives cannot be nested like that.
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At this stage I'm open to almost any workaround :)
I probably should have phrased this differently, but I must mention that I'm probably not open to javascript workarounds, the reason for that would be an unstyled content flash even after the resource is successfully cached locally - this would be the case with solutions proposed so far.
My apologies for the confusion!
You should really just bite the bullet and get the server side fixed, since http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-fonts/#same-origin-restriction requires the Firefox behavior and the other browsers will update to it at some point.