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How to implement pluralize & other extensions using Playframework 2.0

In playframework 1.x there used to be some bundled java extensions for the templating engine:

I'm looking for the same functionality in playframework 2.0. For example how would I do this?

colour${['red', 'green', 'blue'].pluralize()} 

I am doing this malually now:

We have @colours.size colour@if(colours.size > 0){s}

the must be a cleaner more reusable way to do this?


  • You can leverage the pimp my lib Scala pattern to implement something equivalent to Play 1.x Java extensions.

    For example, the pluralize method on collection can be implemented as follows:

    // File app/views/pimps.scala
    package views
    package object pimps {
      class PimpedTraversable[A](col: Traversable[A]) {
        def pluralize = if (col.size == 1) "" else "s"
      implicit def pimpTraversable[A](col: Traversable[A]) = new PimpedTraversable(col)

    You can then use it as follows:

    @import views.pimps._
    We have @colours.size [email protected]