I'm creating a custom layout (node--article.tpl.php) for a custom content type based on the Article type supplied in the base Drupal7 install. All I've added is a file attachment field for a PDF file.
I want to have a link in the rendered page that says something like ("PDF Version"). I've created a template file for that content type and it's working ok. I've used the print render($content['field_pdf']);
code snippet to display the file link. It shows as the file's name as a link to the file with a PDF icon beside it. Almost perfect!
I just need to change the file's name to the static string "PDF Version".
Thanks in advance!
Use hook_node_view_alter()
function yourmodule_node_view_alter(&$build)
$node = $build['#node'];
if($node->type == "article" && isset($build['field_pdf']['#items']))
$build['field_pdf']['#items'][0]['#file']->filename = t('PDF Version');
function yourmodule_node_view_alter(&$build)
$node = $build['#node'];
if($node->type == "article" && isset($build['field_pdf']['#items']))
$build['my_themed_link']['#markup'] = l(t('PDF Version'), file_build_uri($build['field_pdf']['#items'][0]['uri']));
$build['my_themed_link']['#weight'] = 10;
I haven't tested that yet, hope it works for you.