I'd like to get the Facebook id from ShareKit anyone have any idea? There's this reference but I still dont get it. Reference
I got this by using the request:-
Facebook *facebook = [[Facebook alloc] initWithAppId:SHKCONFIG(facebookAppId)
// ... do authorization stuff
// when authorized...
[facebook requestWithGraphPath:@"me" andDelegate:self];
and implementing the delegate callback in the same file:-
- (void)request:(FBRequest *)request didLoad:(id)result
NSString *fbid = [result objectForKey:@"id"];
NSLog( @"facebook ID %@", fbid );
This does work, but I've no idea if this is the recommended technique, since it's the first time I've used sharekit. It seems odd to me the singleton method [SHKFacebook facebook]
is private and you have to instantiate an object yourself.