I wanted to know if there is any way to synchronize (or exchanging files) two Windows CE 6.0 devices. Actually, I am able using ActiveSync to synchronize them one by one with a computer. Can I bypass the computer with plugging directly devices together and running a kind of ActiveSync Server in one of them (which will be the master)?
Finally it's possible to make a wince device seen as a mass storage from another computer or another device (in my case another wince device).
You need to update you registry settings to:
"DefaultClientDriver"=- ; erase previous default
"FriendlyName"="Mass Storage"
"Manufacturer"="Generic Manufacturer (PROTOTYPE--Remember to change idVendor)"
"Product"="Generic Mass Storage (PROTOTYPE--Remember to change idVendor)"
This is the official documentation of the process:
"usbmsfn.dll" should be also installed on your device to make this work.
Do not also forget to restart your device after registry modification,