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Will arguments to a function be passed on the stack or in a register?

I'm currently analyzing a program I wrote in assembly and was thinking about moving some code around in the assembly. I have a procedure which takes one argument, but I'm not sure if it is passed on the stack or a register.

When I open my program in IDA Pro, the first line in the procedure is:

ThreadID= dword ptr -4

If I hover my cursor over the declaration, the following also appears:

ThreadID dd ?
 r db 4 dup(?)

which I would assume would point to a stack variable?

When I open the same program in OllyDbg however, at this spot on the stack there is a large value, which would be inconsistent with any parameter that could have been passed, leading me to believe that it is passed in a register.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • The way arguments are passed to a function depends on the function's calling convention. The default calling convention depends on the language, compiler and architecture.

    I can't say anything for sure with the information you provided, however you shouldn't forget that assembly-level debuggers like OllyDbg and disassemblers like IDA often use heuristics to reverse-engineer the program. The best way to study the code generated by the compiler is to instruct it to write assembly listings. Most compilers have an option to do this.