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Joomla Template Editing

I'm using template at this url for my site. In page footer of my site, displays Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License. phrase under the Copyright © 2012 MySite. All Rights Reserved. phrase . i need to remove Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License. phrase. how can i do it ?


  • You need to edit your en-GB.mod_footer.ini file. Assuming you have Joomla installed in your site's root directory, the file is located at:

    Among other things, you'll see some code that looks like this:

    FOOTER_LINE1=Copyright © %date% %sitename%. All Rights Reserved.
    FOOTER_LINE2=<a href="">Joomla!</a> is Free Software released under the <a href="">GNU/GPL License.</a>
    THIS MODULE SHOWS THE JOOMLA! COPYRIGHT INFORMATION=This module shows the Joomla! copyright information.

    Get rid of FOOTER_LINE2, then save the file and re-upload it to the /language/en-GB/ folder.

    Good luck!
