This statement is from Apple about my app:
We are unable to post your app to the App Store at this time because we have no verification that you are authorized to distribute apps that interact with the required MFi hardware.
Please work with the required hardware vendor to contact the appropriate MFi account specialist to provide the necessary verification.
While your iTunes Connect Application State is displayed as Rejected, it is not necessary to upload a new binary. Once you have provided the necessary verification to the hardware vendor's MFi account specialist, please respond to this message and we will proceed with your review.
If you haven't yet provided your MFi Certification PPID# in the Review Notes, please add this number to the Review Notes for your app in iTunes Connect.
I wrote an email to vendor, but he didn't answer me. I don't know what to do? Any help would be appreciated.
My app print fiscal ticket with a serial cable made for ipod of Redpark factory and i use their sdk.
I talk with the Redpark and he siaid me that that cable is made for apple bat not for apple store,if i want for $2000/3000 abd 4/5 month. I think that are crazy,infact if i'm autoryzed i don't reload the binary
It sounds like the Redpark SDK you are using is targeted more for enterprise use, where they could deploy applications without going through the app store.
If you really want an app that prints in the app store, why not simply using the existing print API's to print to wireless printers?
If the app is targeting a specific kind of receipt printer the price they are asking for certification is very reasonable, and you simply have to pay it.