I'm not sure how to describe what I need but I'll give it a try, via an example :
Let's say we have a window and a sidebar, and want to toggle it (I mean the sidebar : on/off).
Now, let's also say that :
What would be the most practical Cocoa-friendly approach to achieve that?
Of course, that means that, e.g. :
I hope you get the idea; it's definitely not something difficult; but I'm definitely confused on how I could use all of Cocoa's tricks to do it fast.
I'm assuming you have some controller object which implements an action -toggleSidebar:
, and that both menus target the same controller. Also, in the controller, you keep an instance variable BOOL isSidebarShown
Make your controller implement the NSUserInterfaceValidations
protocol. Something like this:
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id <NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)anItem
if (anItem.action == @selector(toggleSidebar:) && [anItem isKindOfClass:[NSMenuItem class]])
NSString* title = isSidebarShown ? @"Hide Sidebar" : @"Show Sidebar";
[(NSMenuItem*)anItem setTitle:title];
return YES; // either way, the menu item is enabled