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Access Violation when assigning component property on Data Module

I'm on Delphi 2009, and my application contains a data module, which has a custom component named 'Globals' on it.

In another form in the application, I'm trying to change a published property (a string) on the Globals component:

  dm.Globals.qhProject := _ProjectName.Text; //always gives access violation

The _ProjectName control is a TLabeledEdit descendant. I always get an access violation here if there's any text in the box.

However, if I manually assing a string to the property, I don't get the AV:

  dm.Globals.qhProject := 'some text'; //works

Here's the declaration of the qhProject property:

FqhProject: string;    
property qhProject: string read FqhProject write FqhProject;

I can't figure out why there's an AV here at all. I've tried moving the auto create order of the forms/data module around, but I always get the AV.

What am I doing wrong here?


I'm using Billenium Effects TFormContainer to switch between different forms in the application. Both forms that are involved here are in the form container. One form, TdlgSummary, contains the following:

procedure TdlgSummary.SyncVars;
    dm.Globals.qhProject := _ProjectName.Text

The other form, TdlgFinalize, contains the following:


If I run SyncVars inside of dlgSummary, it works fine. If I call it from dlgFinalize, I get the AV. This seems to be the crux of the problem, but I can't figure out what's going wrong. Even if I switch control to dlgFinalize, dlgSummary hasn't been destroyed, because I can go back to it. Any ideas?


  • Looks to me like _ProjectName is nil. Try putting a breakpoint at this line and examine _ProjectName, see if it gives a valid reference or not.