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Coercing felm R-object into lm form or some other way of getting it printed in a LaTeX table

I am using the lfe package in R to do some regression with lots of fixed effects, so direct lm is out of the question (and since the fixed effects are not individual-level, so is plm). I get the output with no problems but now I'd like to use it in a LaTeX table. However, none of the packages I tried (like xtable, apsrtable, the latex command in Hmisc and so on) have methods for objects of class felm. So my question is, what do I do? Is there a way to access the lm.method and twist it so it can read felm objects? Is there a way to coerce felm objects into lm form? Any ideas?


  • It is possible that doing some transplant surgery on the felm-object will succeed. Determining whether creation of such a chimera is not doing violence to important underlying assumptions is your responsibility:

    # with the first example in the lfe::
    est <- lfe::felm(y ~ x+x2+G(id)+G(firm))
    class(est) <- c("felm", "lm")
    % latex table generated in R 2.14.0 by xtable 1.6-0 package
    % Sun Mar 18 10:42:04 2012
     & Estimate & Std. Error & t value & Pr($>$$|$t$|$) \\ 
    x & 1.0937 & 0.0971 & 11.26 & 0.0000 \\ 
      x2 & 0.4597 & 0.1177 & 3.91 & 0.0002 \\ 

    Before doing that class engraftment, I did look at the felm-object to see if it resembled an lm-object and it did. It also appears that summary(est) returns the output that would be expected by a user of lm. (This does not actually do what you asked. The only thing it does is allow lm-targetted functions to attempt to do their work.)

    I'm not a particularly successful user of S4 methods but following a couple of links in the help page and making mods this is what I got after ignoring the warning:

     setOldClass(c("felm", "lm"))
     setMethod("modelInfo", "summary.felm", function(x) {
       env <- sys.parent()
       digits <- evalq(digits, env) <- list(
                          "Resid. sd" = formatC(x$sigma,format="f",digits=digits))
       class( <- ""
     } )
    #in method for ‘modelInfo’ with signature ‘"summary.felm"’: no definition for class “summary.felm”
    #[1] "modelInfo"
     apsrtable(est,est, digits=1, align="l", 
               stars=1, model.counter=0, order="rl",
               coef.rows=1, col.hspace="3em", float="sidewaystable")
    \begin{tabular}{ l D{.}{.}{1}D{.}{.}{1}@{\hspace{3em}}D{.}{.}{1}D{.}{.}{1} } 
      & \multicolumn{ 2 }{ c }{ Model 0 } & \multicolumn{ 2 }{ c }{ Model 1 } \\ \hline
     x      & 1.1 ^* & (0.1)  & 1.1 ^* & (0.1) \\ 
    x2     & 0.5 ^* & (0.1)  & 0.5 ^* & (0.1)  \\
     $N$       & \multicolumn{2}{c}{172} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{172}\\ 
    Resid. sd & \multicolumn{2}{c}{   } & \multicolumn{2}{c}{   } \\ \hline
     \multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize{Robust standard errors in parentheses}}\\
    \multicolumn{5}{l}{\footnotesize{$^*$ indicates significance at $p< 0.05 $}} 