Using the code below, I am constructing polygons with various number of sides.
Can somebody advise how I can add code to circumscribe a circle and also inscribe a circle in each polygon returned?
-(void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect{
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextBeginPath (context);
NSArray * points = [PolygonUIView pointsForPolygonInRect:[self bounds] numberOfSides:polygon.numberOfSides];
NSLog(@"%d", [points count]);
NSLog(@"%d", polygon.numberOfSides);
for(NSValue * point in points) {
CGPoint val = [point CGPointValue];
if([points indexOfObject:point]==0)
CGContextMoveToPoint (context, val.x, val.y);
CGContextAddLineToPoint (context, val.x, val.y);
[[UIColor clearColor] setFill];
[[UIColor blackColor] setStroke];
CGContextDrawPath (context, kCGPathFillStroke);
polygonLabel.text =;
+ (NSArray *)pointsForPolygonInRect:(CGRect)rect numberOfSides:(int)numberOfSides {
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2.0, rect.size.height / 2.0);
float radius = 0.90 * center.x;
NSLog(@"%f rad",radius);
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
float angle = (2.0 * M_PI) / numberOfSides;
float exteriorAngle = M_PI - angle;
float rotationDelta = angle - (0.5 * exteriorAngle);
for (int currentAngle = 0; currentAngle < numberOfSides; currentAngle++) {
float newAngle = (angle * currentAngle) - rotationDelta;
float curX = cos(newAngle) * radius;
float curY = sin(newAngle) * radius;
[result addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(center.x + curX,
center.y + curY)]];
return result;
finally sussed it out thanks to some pointers from others code below added to the original code gives me the result i need thanks
// circumscribe the polygons
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2); // set the line width
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 20.0 /255, 101.0 / 255.0, 18.0 / 255.0, 1.0);
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(rect.size.width / 2, rect.size.height / 2); // get the circle centre
CGFloat radius = 0.9 * center.x; // little scaling needed
CGFloat startAngle = -((float)M_PI / 2); // 90 degrees
CGFloat endAngle = ((2 * (float)M_PI) + startAngle);
CGContextAddArc(context, center.x, center.y, radius + 4, startAngle, endAngle, 0); // create an arc the +4 just adds some pixels because of the polygon line thickness
CGContextStrokePath(context); // draw
// inscribed circle
float angle = M_PI - ((2 * M_PI) / polygon.numberOfSides); // need the polygon angles
CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2); // set the line width
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 20.0 / 255, 101.0 / 255.0, 211.0 / 255.0, 1.0);
CGFloat innerradius = (0.9 * center.x) * sin(angle / 2); // calc the inner radius
CGContextAddArc(context, center.x, center.y, innerradius - 3, startAngle, endAngle, 0); // create an arc the minus 3 subtracts some pixels because of the polygon line thickness
CGContextStrokePath(context); // draw