I've been reading about this for a while and I'm not sure I have found a good answer.
I'm trying to setup an array of 92 structs. It's a fixed length and will not change as it's effectively a lookup table. I thought that the best way to do this was to first allocate the memory with calloc
and then load the data.
But after some reading I see a lot of people allocating the memory directly without calloc
or malloc
like this
myStruct myData[92] = { {1,2}, {3,4}, ....};
My first question is whether it is better to dynamically allocate the memory? My understanding was that this was a better solution. Especially if the data is not necessarily going to be used all the time.
My second question is in regards to initialising the data. I had read that I can initialise a struct using ... = {....};
but the compiler is not accepting that.
Here is the code I have so far:
typedef struct {
int a;
int b;
} myStruct;
@implementation MyClass
static myStruct *myData;
-(id) init {
// ...
myData = (myStruct *) calloc(92, sizeof(myStruct));
myData[0] = {1,2}; // <=== Error ! Compiler says "Expected expression!"
// ...
Your code looks like Objective-C, is that correct?
If you know how many elements are in an array (and it is a sane processor and operating system), it is always simpler to explicitly define it.
Whenever you dynamically allocate an array, you need to protect against something going wrong, which makes the code harder to understand.
If it is really a lookup table, and all of the values are known at compile time, you can just initialise it:
struct {
int a;
int b;
} myStructDate[92] = { {1, 2}, {3, 4}, ... {181, 182}, {183, 184} };