I have 2 tables, evt and content. content is link to evt throw the column content_evt_fk (to make it simpler, you can replace evt by article and content by comment for a blog database).
What I'm trying to do is to have in one query, the evt id, the evt name, the number of content related to it, and the id and the text of the last inserted content related to this evt.
here is the code :
count(*) as `evt_cont`
`t_evt` as `evt`,
`t_content` AS `content`
`evt`.`evt_id` = `content`.`content_evt_fk`
group by `evt_id`
ORDER BY `content`.`content_id` DESC
The issue is that the content_text sent is not the one from the last inserted, but the one for the first inserted row. I tried tu put some Max() in the query but it didn't helped.
Any clue ?
EDIT : data Sample
let's say I have an evt called "pocket" and 3 related content, inputed in this order ("1-cake","2-chocolate","3-sweets").
The result of my query is
evt_id name content_id content_text evt_cont
149 pocket 112 1-cake 3
What I would like to have :
evt_id name content_id content_text evt_cont
149 pocket 115 3-sweets 3
I'm not working with MySql so there are probably better ways to do this. The simplest way is to join derived table of max (column-representing-order-of-interest, content_id here) by key (content_evt_fk here) to original table filtering out all but last entries.
FROM t_evt as evt
INNER JOIN t_content AS content
ON evt.evt_id = content.content_evt_fk
select content_evt_fk, max(t_content.content_id) content_id
from t_content
group by content_evt_fk
) last_content
ON content.content_id = last_content.content_id
-- This is not necessary here, but if you do this sort of thing on
-- columns other than id, you will have to join this part too
and content.content_evt_fk = last_content.content_evt_fk