I've designed the User Interface of an iPhone app and I wish to show an online demo of that consisting for the moment of a series of static images representing the main steps of the app.
According to you what is the best way to do this simulation? You know, something like a series of single webpage, optimized for mobile, containing a single image linking to the next step, but I was wondering if exists a much elegant and sophisticated solution, with a transition effect for example or other features.
I hope I was clear enough :)
Any help will be sincerely appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
This sounds like a good use for Briefs Briefs App Website. This pretty much allows you to create an interface and step through it as if it were an application. I believe you'll need to have a developer account to run the app that will read the brief on your phone (since it wasn't able to be released in the app store).