I completed to develop my first app. Right now i want to distribute my beta throught https://testflightapp.com
I tried to create .ipa file with this tutorial - http://help.testflightapp.com/customer/portal/articles/402782-how-to-create-an-ipa-xcode-4
In the very beginning i should select Entitlements, but there is not such category as Code Signing..
Any helps? Thnx.
PS I have a developer account.
UPD. Does somebody create ipa files for TestFlight on XCode 4.3? How do you do that?
I skipped entitlements altogether. With Xcode 4.2 and later I have not needed them.
Make sure your Archive Scheme uses your Debug configuration. Then just do an Archive of the project (under the Product menu). Save the Archive someplace. Then drag that Archive file onto the TestFlightApp's green "Upload Build" button. That easy. No messing around with entitlements, etc.
Before you do this, make sure you can actually build a correctly formed archive by building, and e-mailing it to one of your testers and see if it can be loaded. There are a bunch of things that have to work before you can use TestFlightApp. Just because you can Build and Run from Xcode doesn't mean that it will work on a remote device that doesn't already have your provisioning file. For example, you have to have your App ID, provisioning profiles and Device ID's all configured correctly via the Provisioning Portal. Once I did that, and verified that my .ipa files can be installed manually, then just uploading to TestFlightApp.com worked without having to do entitlements.
I wrote this up and put it on TestFlightApp's support forum, but for some reason TestFlightApp.com won't let me into the support area so I can find it - I can't use my login to access their "Tender" account.