Is there a somewhat standardized way to semantically mark up citations in HTML? I know that when I'm citing from a website i can do:
<q title="Article by John" cite="">quoted text...</q>
But I was rather thinking something a bit more precise, maybe using RDFa and Dublin Core. Along the lines of:
<q cite="">quoted text...</q>
<span xmlns:dc="" about="#berkman">
<cite property="dc:title">Find It Fast: How to Uncover Expert Information on Any Subject</cite>
<span property="dc:creator">Berkman, R. I.</span>
<span property="dc:date">1994</span>
<span property="dc:publisher">New York: HarperPerennial</span>
<span property="dc:type">book</span>
Then I could run some Javascript or XSLT over it to display the citation as a hover-text or footnote or something (HTML5 recommendation on footnotes). But this way seems to be rather loose on semantics. Isn't there a smart way to associate the quoted text (in the q tag) with an RDF triple? Like:
"quoted text..." voc:isQuotedFrom _b1.
_b1 dc:title "Find it Fast";
dc:creator "Berkman, R. I.".
I've stubled over BibTeXML and a proposed Citation microformat but they (as well as all usages of Dublin Core I've seen) always seem to focus on the metadata of a specific book (as it might appear in a bibliography) and not on how to mark up a citation and reference it to a book.
Any thoughts or tips appreciated, thanks.
Use the BIBO Ontology - it has all the terms you want:
In particular:
RDF doesn't support literals as subjects.
So in the example above I would recommend the following, based on the new RDFa-Core Specification:
<div vocab="" typeof="Quote">
<span rel="cites" resource=""></span>
<q cite="" property="shortDescription">quoted text...</q>
<span about="" typeof="Book" prefix="dc:" vocab="">
<cite property="dc:title">Find It Fast: How to Uncover Expert Information on Any Subject</cite>
<span property="dc:creator">Berkman, R. I.</span>
<span property="dc:date">1994</span>
<span property="dc:publisher">New York: HarperPerennial</span>
This would resolve to the following rdf:
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix mybooks: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
_:b1 rdf:type bibo:Quote;
bibo:cites mybooks:berkman;
bibo:shortDescription "quoted text...".
mybooks:berkman rdf:type bibo:Book;
dc:title "Find It Fast: How to Uncover Expert Information on Any Subject";
dc:creator "Berkman, R. I.";
dc:date "1994";
dc:publisher "New York: HarperPerennial".