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How to dispose objects having asynchronous methods called?

I have this object PreloadClient which implements IDisposable, I want to dispose it, but after the asynchronous methods finish their call... which is not happening

    private void Preload(SlideHandler slide)
        using(PreloadClient client = new PreloadClient())
             client.PreloadCompleted += client_PreloadCompleted;
        // Here client is disposed immediately
    private void client_PreloadCompleted(object sender, SlidePreloadCompletedEventArgs e)
     // this is method is called after a while, 
     // but errors are thrown when trying to access object state (fields, properties)

So, any ideas or work arounds ??


    1. You shouldn't use the using construct, but rather dispose your objects when they are no longer needed:

      // keep a list of strong references to avoid garbage collection,
      // and dispose them all in case we're disposing the encapsulating object
      private readonly List<PreloadClient> _activeClients = new List<PreloadClient>();
      private void Preload(SlideHandler slide)
          PreloadClient client = new PreloadClient();
          client.PreloadCompleted += client_PreloadCompleted;
      private void client_PreloadCompleted(object sender,
           SlidePreloadCompletedEventArgs e)
          PreloadClient client = sender as PreloadClient;
          // do stuff
          client.PreloadCompleted -= client_PreloadCompleted;
    2. in this case, you have to dispose all clients when disposing the main class:

      protected override Dispose(bool disposing)
          foreach (PreloadClient client in _activeClients)
              client.PreloadCompleted -= client_PreloadCompleted;
    3. Note that this implementation is not thread safe

      • Access to the _activeClients list must be made thread-safe, as your PreloadCompleted method is called from a different thread
      • Your containing object may be disposed before a client fires the event. In that case "do stuff" should do nothing, so this is another thing you should take care of.
      • It might be a good idea to use a try/finally block inside your event handler, to make sure that the object gets disposed in all cases