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App crashs with SIGABRT error when trying to delete a row in tableView

my app crashes when the user tries to delete a row from the UITableView and in the debugger I get the SIGABRT error.

Here is my code for deletion:

- (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
  if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete)
    [[self displayedObjects] removeObjectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];

    //  Animate deletion
    NSArray *indexPaths = [NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath];
    [[self tableView] deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:indexPaths
    //[[self tableView] deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath]];


  • I got help in another question. And the problem is that the object would be deleted from the array but then before deleting the row from the table view , the numberOfRowsInSection is called again which then loads the array from disk again and give the number before the deletion due to a problem in my loading of the array. I put a break point at the numberOfRowsInSection and it is all clear now.