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Deleting subdirectories and files in a given directory

I want to delete all subdirectories and files from a directory, but not the directory itself. For examnple, if I pass "Sample" directory in a variable, and "Sample" directory contains three subdirectories and 3 files, I want to delete all that 3 directories and 3 files. In practice, the "Sample" directory can contain many subdirectories and files.


  • ETA: This is actually in perlfaq5: How do I delete a directory tree?

    Use File::Path, core module.

    perl -MFile::Path=remove_tree -we 
        'remove_tree("Sample",{keep_root=>1}) or die $!'

    The keep_root option will cause remove_tree to keep the top directory:

    keep_root => $bool

    When set to a true value, will cause all files and subdirectories to be removed, except the initially specified directories. This comes in handy when cleaning out an application's scratch directory.