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Invoking external web methods with BPEL + Apache Ode (calling .Net asmx) problems

Pre-info: I'm learning to use orchestration of web methods(WM). I've sucessfully completed lessons with assings, invoking web methods, some parallel processing in BPEL. I'm using Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 with BPEL plugins, Tomcat7 server with Apache Ode as orchestration base. At other side I need to learn calling secured WMs written on Mono .Net platform.

Having now: Now I'm having problem calling ANY web methods. I've made: 1) Web Method running by Mono .Net - works, can be tested with browser (http://localhost:8081/hwws.asmx ) and with Eclipse tool "Web Services Explorer", it works fine. 2) my BPEL that only invokes this .Net web method throught SOAP port. 3) at other work stantion I've made .Net service with Visual Studio. Having errors either, if need I'll post it text later.

Problem: I'm getting errors at invoking.

Screens: 1) browser test of .net WS HW(helloWorld) http :// photo -hosting.winsoftmagic .com/ 1/ s4nbwdsqib.jpg 2) Eclipse test of .net WS HW 3) Error I get

Error listing:

18:15:25,294 WARN ExternalService Fault response: faultType=(unkown) soap:ClientCould not deserialize Soap message 18:15:25,376 ERROR INVOKE Failure during invoke: 18:15:25,382 INFO BpelRuntimeContextImpl ActivityRecovery: Registering activity 11, failure reason: on channel 21

And it's give timeout error later. I've spent a week around this problems already, searched with all ways I could think up.

EDIT 12.03.2012:

Now test with mono WS worked for some reason. I've tryed call WS from the internet and it gave the same error as I had at work spot:

14:25:16,177 ERROR [INVOKE] Failure during invoke: Error sending message (mex={PartnerRoleMex#hqejbhcnphr747jefui9ic [PID {http://wsaspx.tns/}inetWS-24] calling [email protected](...) Status ASYNC}): The input stream for an incoming message is null. 14:25:16,178 INFO [BpelRuntimeContextImpl] ActivityRecovery: Registering activity 11, failure reason: Error sending message (mex={PartnerRoleMex#hqejbhcnphr747jefui9ic [PID {http://wsaspx.tns/}inetWS-24] calling [email protected](...) Status ASYNC}): The input stream for an incoming message is null. on channel 21

In same time this service works from all test forms.

Edit: 16.03.2012

My mono method stopped work same as it started without my understanding. TcpMon-1.1.jar shows such message again:

POST /hwws.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
SOAPAction: "http://hwws.tps/HelloWorld"
User-Agent: Axis2
Host: localhost:8092
Transfer-Encoding: chunked <--- EDITED: REASON OF NOT WORKING ----

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<addr:To xmlns:addr="">http://localhost:8092/hwws.asmx</addr:To>
<addr:Action xmlns:addr="">http://hwws.tps/HelloWorld</addr:Action>
<addr:ReplyTo xmlns:addr=""><addr:Address></addr:Address></addr:ReplyTo>
<addr:MessageID xmlns:addr="">uuid:hqejbhcnphr74k7fapcntd</addr:MessageID>
<soapenv:Body><HelloWorld xmlns="http://hwws.tps/">
<s0:st xmlns:s0="http://hwws.tps/">My test message</s0:st>

HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 08:01:50 GMT
Server: Mono.WebServer2/ Unix
Connection: close
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
Content-Length: 366
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<faultstring>Could not deserialize Soap message</faultstring>

Actually I get one of 3 errors: couldn't deserialise, The input stream for an incoming message is null or even error 411 yesterday:) P.s. had 4th error with no socket connecting also, but all them vanished.

My main goal is ssl+authorisation .net services - would be gratefull if you have examples. Thanks a lot to everyone! It's real pleasure to see your help:)


  • Thanks to all, testing soap-body shown that it was good and problem was in headers part which had some strange "Chunked" and numbers before xml (length of xml text) and 0 after xml end. I just set http.request.chunk=false and now it work at all my tests yet. For that purpose download sample.endpoint from , renamed it as bpel name (MonoCaller.bpel => MonoCaller.endpoint). It has string for chunked already commented. And also added something like http.default-headers.authorization=Basic <64b code of "login:password" made in any coder> for authorization purpose and it also works now! :-]