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cakePHP tmp directory permissions

Is it OK to set the permission to 777 on the /tmp directory and its sub-directories? I am using CakePHP version 2.1.0.

When I try to set

Configure::write('debug', 0);

It gives me Error:

The requested address '/' was not found on this server.

But, with debug value of 1 or 2, it works fine.

As I searched for this error I came up with results that it is because of tmp directory permissions.


    1. Make sure you set up your DATABASE_CONFIG is setup correctly (database.php)

    2. Check that your tmp folder (and all of it’s sub folders) are writable (at least chmod 666 on Linux),

    3. While you’re there delete all cache files from allof the tmp sub folders

    After that, if you’re still having

    Error: The requested address "/" was not found on this server

    then you’re likely to be missing a database table or an include file, so go into your core.php and set:

    Configure::write('debug', 2);