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What is the Jetty 8 Continuations default timeout period?

I've been working with Jetty's Continuations API and just figured out a very frustrating bug (* at least I think this was the reason*).

If I had read more closely, I would have seen this:

The timeout should be set before the suspend, by a call to continuation.setTimeout(long); if no timeout is set, then the default period is used.

So in my code, I was simply suspending a continuation without setting a timeout. When I read this in the documentation...

A timeout of <=0 means the continuation will never expire.

... and then tried setting the timeout to something negative, things started working (* at least it seems so *).

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out what the "default period" is for a timeout. Where can I find this out?


  • I guess I figured this out while stepping through the debugger... the default time period is 30 seconds. I found the source code...!/org/eclipse/jetty/continuation/

    ... and it seems like this FauxContinuation implementation of a Continuation was being constructed and the timeout is initialized to 30 seconds.

    private long _timeoutMs = 30000;