So basically I have two classes, Book and Author. Books can have multiple authors and authors can have multiple books. Books have the following default scope.
default_scope :order => "publish_at DESC"
On the Author show page I want to list all the books associated with that author so I say the following...
@author = Author.find(params[:id])
@books = @author.books
All is good so far. The author#show page lists all books belonging to that author ordered by publication date.
I'm also working on a gem that is able to sort by the popularity of a book.
@books = @author.books.sort_by_popularity
The problem is that whenever it tries to sort, the default_scope always gets in the way. And if I try to unscope it before it will get rid of the author relation and return every book in the database. For example
@books = @author.books.unscoped.sort_by_popularity # returns all books in database
I'm wondering if I can use the ActiveRelation except() method to do something like this (which seems like it should work but it doesn't. It ignores order, just not when it is a default_scope order)
def sort_by_popularity
self.except(:order).do_some_joining_magic.order('popularity ASC')
# |------------| |---------------------|
Any ideas as to why this doesn't work? Any ideas on how to get this to work a different way? I know I can just get rid of the default_scope but I'm wondering if there another way to do this.
You should be able to use reorder
to completely replace the existing ORDER BY:
Replaces any existing order defined on the relation with the specified order.
So something like this:
def self.sort_by_popularity
scoped.do_some_joining_magic.reorder('popularity ASC')
And I think you want to use a class method for that and scoped
instead of self
but I don't know the whole context so maybe I'm wrong.
I don't know why except
doesn't work. The default_scope
seems to get applied at the end (sort of) rather than the beginning but I haven't looked into it that much.