I have a controller that deals with contact emails. I have an action like this:
def representative
@contact = UserContact.new()
if request.method == 'POST'
@contact = UserContact.new(params[:merchant_contact])
if @contact.valid?
@contact.contact_email = current_user.email
@contact.contact_phone = current_user.phone_number
Emailer.representative_contact(@contact, representative).deliver # sends the email
redirect_to **????**, :flash => { :notice => "Thank you! Someone will get back to you shortly."}
render :representative
render :representative
I call contact_representative_path from different places in my code, and I want that, after submission a redirection to where the user clicked the contact_representative_path. I have tried with :back, but it just renders the representative view.
redirect_to and return does not end the requests, in order to end the request you need to add return at the end.
Try with redirect_to contact_representative_path,:flash => { :notice => "Thank you! Someone will get back to you shortly."} and return
In session hash, you can store the requesting url which will be available across multiple requests.
session[:return_to] ||= request.referer
Then call redirect_to session[:return_to], :flash => { :notice => "Thank you! Someone will get back to you shortly."}
Check this question, hope this will solve your problem.