i'm running Indigo SR1 20110916-0149 with Hibernate Tools Version: 3.4.0.v20111213-1944-H40-M5.
Everything seems to work fine but the Properties view doesn't display the result item details when clicking on one of the result list in Hibernate Query Result tab.
I don't think is due to nature of my Entities since similar queries where displaying everything correctly even relationship parent/child etc..with '+' sign on which you could click to expand collection.
I've looked around and couldn't find anything helpfull. I saw a similar question in myeclipse forum which as unresolved.
It seems to be a regression.
Any ideas?
I had the same problem with Indigo Hibernate Tools M5 (milestone 5) and beta1. Found that M4 (milestone 4) is working, so i filled a bug report on jboss tools issue tracker about this issue (regression). JBIDE-11343
So try to use milestone 4, it's working for me.