I have a c# unit test project that is compiled for AnyCPU. Our build server is a 64bit machine, and has a 64bit SQL Express instance installed.
The test project uses code similar to the following to identify the path to the .MDF files:
private string GetExpressPath()
RegistryKey sqlServerKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL" );
string sqlExpressKeyName = (string) sqlServerKey.GetValue( "SQLEXPRESS" );
RegistryKey sqlInstanceSetupKey = sqlServerKey.OpenSubKey( sqlExpressKeyName + @"\Setup" );
return sqlInstanceSetupKey.GetValue( "SQLDataRoot" ).ToString();
This code works fine on our 32bit workstations, and did work ok on the build server until I recently enabled code coverage analysis with NCover. Because NCover uses a 32bit COM component, the test runner (Gallio) runs as a 32bit process.
Checking the registry, there is no "Instance Names" key under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server
Is there a way for an application running in 32bit mode to access the registry outside Wow6432Node?
you have to use the KEY_WOW64_64KEY param when creating/opening the registry key. But AFAIK that's not possible with the Registry class but only when using the API directly.
This might help to get you started.