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Geting SharePoint 2010 Multiline Field Value

I am getting multine content type filed value programatically with LINQ To SharePoint. It shows like below

<div class=\"ExternalClass282872C28A554849AA9167214C968756\"><p>​<a href=\"/_layouts    /listform.aspx?PageType=4&amp;ListId={9E248748-4423-4259-9D2C-0A052742660F}&amp;ID=5&amp;ContentTypeID=0x010005F5F3E297E77B439FAEB4658DFAAA6A\"><font color=\"#003759\">

   **MyDesired Value**


How can i get only value MyDesignedValue from this field?


  • Try SPHttpUtility.ConvertSimpleHtmlToText

    For more information see, Fetch a list item to a MultiLine textBox