I am following Michael Hartl's tutorial and ran this 2 blocks of code
$ rvm get head && rvm reload
$ chmod +x $rvm_path/hooks/after_cd_bundler
$ cd ~/rails_projects/sample_app
$ bundle install --without production --binstubs=./bundler_stubs
now when I run Guard on my first terminal window everything is fine, but when I open another terminal window and run the exact same command, it complaints that I am running Guard outside of Bundler. Why is that so?
Still can't post images but here is the screenshot of the 2 separate terminal windows terminal 1 terminal 2
Thanks! Ryan
rvm current
- is the proper ruby selectedecho $PATH
- first position should be path to .../bundler_stubs for both errors it might work again with cd .
- but this might be problematic
you need to make sure that RVM was loaded properly, and that proper ruby was loaded in session:
rvm get head --auto
- keep a gist of it in casemake sure you do not overwrite PATH
after RVM was loaded in your RC scripts