I am having a problem in getting the html input value in the ruby
For example:
i have an input named my_input
. Now i want to have this in the periodically_call_remote
<input name="my_input" />
periodically_call_remote(:url=>{:action=>"action_name", :controller=>"controler_name", nvalue=>"value_of_my_input"}, frequency=>"5")
This is the call in which i want to have the input value in the value_of_my_input.
rails gem version: 2.3.5
how will i achieve this..?
i have achieved what i wanted... the code is as:
periodically_call_remote(:url=>{:controller=>"controller_name", :action=>"action_name"), :with=>"'name='+jQuery('#id').val()")
Thnx for your help and time brothers...