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Problems solving "Cannot access disposed object." exception

In my current project there is a Form class which looks like this:

public partial class FormMain : Form

    System.Timers.Timer timer;
    Point previousLocation;
    double distance;

    public FormMain()

        distance = 0;
        timer = new System.Timers.Timer(50);
        timer.AutoReset = true;
        timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);

    private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
        if (previousLocation != null)
            // some code


        previousLocation = Cursor.Position;

    private void UpdateDistanceLabel(double newDistance)
        if (!lblDistance.IsDisposed && !IsDisposed)
            Invoke(new Action(() => lblDistance.Text = String.Format("Distance: {0} pixels", newDistance)));

    private void UpdateSpeedLabel(double newSpeed)
        if (!lblSpeed.IsDisposed && !IsDisposed)
            Invoke(new Action(() => lblSpeed.Text = String.Format("Speed: {0} pixels per second", newSpeed)));


As you can see, I am using a System.Timers.Timer object. I know I could use System.Windows.Forms.Timer, but I'm fairly interested in the reason why I'm still getting the exception shown in the title. It gets thrown at the Invoke call in the UpdateDistanceLabel method. What confuses me is that it says "Cannot access disposed object: FormMain" even though I am checking whether it is disposed or not. So that shouldn't happen. I have also tried disposing the timer object in the FormClosing event as well as overriding Dispose(bool) and disposing it there, both of which unfortunately didn't help at all. Also, the exception does not always get thrown, supposedly only when the timer happens to fire whilst the program is exiting. It still happens a lot.

I've seen that there are tons of threads about this, but I've already tried the solutions posted there, most of them involve checking the IsDisposed property - which doesn't work for me. So I guess I am doing something wrong.

So my question: Why does the code posted above fire an exception even though I am checking whether the objects I am accessing are disposed or not?


  • There are two workarounds: either swallow the exception and curse Microsoft for not having included a TryInvoke and TryBeginInvoke methods, or else use locking to ensure that no attempt is made to Dispose the object while it's in use, and no attempt is made to use the object while Dispose is in progress. I think swallowing the exception is probably better, but some people have a visceral reaction against such things, and using locking it is possible to avoid having the exception occur in the first place.