I have a function that i know is tail recursive. But because of the way I define it, the compiler complains about the function having a recursive call in non tail position. This is the function.
def travel: (Int, List[Char]) => Int = {
case (n, Nil) => n
case (n, '~' :: sls) => travel(0, sls)
case (n, '^' :: sls) => travel(max(n-1,0), sls)
case (n, '>' :: sls) => travel(n+1, sls)
case (_, s :: sls) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal selector '" + s + "'")
I get
error: could not optimize @tailrec annotated method travel: it contains a recursive call not in tail position
def travel: (Int, List[Char]) => Int = {
If I write it as this, it works fine.
def travel(n:Int, l:List[Char]): Int = (n,l) match {
case (n, Nil) => n
case (n, '~' :: sls) => travel(0, sls)
case (n, '^' :: sls) => travel(max(n-1,0), sls)
case (n, '>' :: sls) => travel(n+1, sls)
case (_, s :: sls) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal selector '" + s + "'")
I think it has something to do with the def: (Input) => Output = {}
type declaration style. I use it because it looks cleaner than writing nested matches, or a match on a tuple.
The two are not the same. In the first case, the method produces a function that then calls the method again (that produces a function, etc.). That is, you're creating a new instance of Function1[(Int, List[Char]), Int]
each time you call travel
in the first case. Unsurprisingly, this cannot be converted into a jump instruction. (In theory one could, but the analysis would be quite complicated, as one would have to un-do all those object creations.)
In the second case, it's just a method calling itself, which can be converted into a jump.