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Set Grid Column/Row width/Height dynamically

I need to create a WPF grid dynamically from code behind. This is going okay and I can do it so that I set the content widths but what I need to do is set them so that when i resize the window the controls are re sized dynamically

var col = new ColumnDefinition();
col.Width = new System.Windows.GridLength(200);

This will produce XAML

     <ColumnDefinition Width="200"></ColumnDefinition>

But what I need is to use a * or question mark ie.

     <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>

But the WidthValue does not support a * or question mark a when creating from code behind ?


  • You could specify it like this:

    For auto sized columns:


    For star sized columns:

    new GridLength(1,GridUnitType.Star)