I'm working on a function to validate http urls. I need some good and bad urls to do unit testing. Please share me your test cases.
There are many permutations and combinations ... also how strictly you are conforming to the standard spec is something to worry about
What are the protocols supported ... is it only http ... or https, rmtp etc as well
Consider things like domains and subdomains ... www.google.com and www.maps.google.com are valid
Presence or absence of trailing slash
Non-standard port ... http://www.example.com:8800
Deep path after the host ... http://www.example.com/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i.html
URL Parameters ... http://www.test.com?pageid=123&testid=1524
URL encoding ... and how are URL are encoded within a URL if they are the part of the parameters
Anchor tags ... http://www.test.com/do.html#A
Presence of special characters ... if any
handling white spaces
Max and Min size of a URL
Have you investigated in existing libraries which let you validate the URLs