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Import Microsoft Access Database in Mysql database

I have a particular situation where my client require to import (periodically) an ms-access database into his mysql website database (so it's a remote database).

Because the hosting plan is a shared hosting (not a vps), the only way to do it is through PHP through an SQL query, because I don't have ODBC support on hosting.

My current idea is this one (obviusly the client has a MS-Windows O.S.):

  • Create a small C# application that convert MS-Access database into a big SQL query written on a file
  • The application will then use FTP info to send the file into a specified directory on the website
  • A PHP script will then run periodically (like every 30 minutes) and check if file exists, eventually importing it into the database

I know it's not the best approach so I'm proposing a question to create a different workaround for this problem. The client already said that he wants keep using his ms-access database.

The biggest problem I have is that scripts can last only 30 seconds, which is obviusly a problem to import data.


  • To work around the 30-second limit, call your script repeatedly, and keep track of your progress. Here's one rough idea:

    if(!file_exists('upload.sql')) exit();
    $max = 2000; // the maximum number you want to execute.
    if(file_exists('progress.txt')) {
        $progress = file_get_contents('progress.txt');
    } else {
        $progress = 0;
    // load the file into an array, expecting one query per line
    $file = file('upload.sql');
    foreach($file as $current => $query) {
        if($current < $progress) continue; // skip the ones we've done
        if($current - $progress >= $max) break; // stop before we hit the max
    // did we finish the file?
    if($current == count($file) - 1) {
    } else {
        file_put_contents('progress.txt', $current);