Following SQL command
select TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))) from table1
produces a result of the format: +000000000 00:03:01.954000.
Is it possible to enter a special format in the to_char function in order to get a result of format: +00 00:00:00.000?
I realize it's not clever at all, nor is it the special format string you're looking for, but this answer does work, given that the output is fixed length:
SELECT SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 1, 1)
|| SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 9, 2)
|| ' '
|| SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 12, 12)
FROM table1;
It also just truncs the fractional seconds instead of rounding, but I assume from your example they're all just zeros anyway.
This is an even greater embarrassment, but I couldn't resist:
, '0000000', '')
, 1, 16)
FROM table1;