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How do I pull a missing file back into my branch?

I have cloned a Git project into a local Git repository. Then I have done something nasty to one of the files and in that panic I deleted file physically from the drive (rm style.css) and also removed it from Git (git rm style.css).

I want to get the original style.css file back from origin to my development branch. Unfortunately my Git thinks it is up-to-date and won't do anything.

cd ~/
git status

# On branch dev
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

git pull origin dev

Password for '':
* branch            dev        -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.

What do I need to do to tell git that I want to download original style.css file back into my dev branch?


  • Use git checkout. In your case:

    git checkout origin/master style.css

    This command will update the requested file from the given branch (here the remote branch origin/master).