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Cross Version Compatible Android Tabbed Layout

I'm looking to create a cross-version compatible android tabbed layout.

The problem I'm running into is when implementing Google's example of TabActivity, I get a depreciation notice. The app I'm writing needs to be compatible down to 2.1, and I'm not finding a clear cut way to make it compatible.

I am aware of the versioning by folder (/layout-v4, /layout-v14, etc) but if possible I want to avoid this.

Are fragments the answer here and if so, does the Android Compatibility Layer V4 become the key to solving this problem?


  • I'd suggest the best approach might be to use the excellent (and free) ActionBarSherlock, so you can add Android 3+ action bar (including tabs) to apps going all the way back to v2.x versions.

    I've used it on a few apps and it's pretty easy. I think it's the right approach to use the proper Action Bar interface across platform versions, and they include tabs and replace the whole TabActivity thing, which was pretty horrible anyway.