I have performed CCLens3D effect on CCsprite after action i have to save CCSprite to png. Please help me I have used following code
@implementation HelloWorldLayer
CCSprite *img;
-(void)lensEffect:(CGPoint )touchpoint
const CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
// const CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
id lens = [CCLens3D actionWithPosition:CGPointMake(touchpoint.x,touchpoint.y)
[img runAction:lens];
After [img runAction:lens] I have to save img with action?
I have got the screen shot but after performing two three time lens effect the image is seems to be blur please help if u now hoe to keep resolution of image same after lens effect.
thks in advance
You need to use a CCRenderTexture. Set it up as described here (screenshot part) and then call [img visit] to render the sprite onto the render texture.