I would like to retrieve the size of each mail's attachment without having to download the file to get it. I'm using the Gmail gem.
EDIT: I'm looking for a way, to get the size only by reading the headers or similar without having to retrieve the whole attachments which is a very long process.
gmail = Gmail.connect(:xoauth, self.email,
:token => self.token,
:secret => self.secret,
:consumer_key => 'SECRET',
:consumer_secret => 'SECRET'
mails = gmail.mailbox("[Gmail]/All Mail").emails
mails.each do |mail|
next if mail.message.attachments.blank?
# How to get the message's size if possible ?
mail.message.attachments.each do |attachment|
# How to get the attachment's size ?
Here is what I did. I used StringIO to convert the attachment to a file in memory and then took the size:
require 'rubygems'
require 'gmail'
require 'ap' #awesome_print gem
gmail = Gmail.connect("name","password") #simple authorization
mails = gmail.mailbox("[Gmail]/All Mail").emails
mails.each do |mail|
next if mail.message.attachments.blank?
mail.message.attachments.each do |attachment|
file = StringIO.new(attachment.to_s)
ap file.size