i'm quite new to php and trying to learn. I have 2 similiar classes. I want to create that objects when i pass count and object type. I read some about factory pattern. Here is my factory class:
class AssetFactory
private static $table;
public static $objects = array();
public static function Create($asset,$count)
switch ($asset) {
case "Item":
self::$table = "items";
case "Job":
self::$table = "jobs";
$db = new Database();
$rows = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".self::$table." LIMIT ".$count);
foreach($rows as $row)
self::$objects[] = new $asset($row);
return self::$objects;
and when i need 5 items i use:
$myItems = AssetFactory::Create('Item',5);
when i need some jobs i use:
$myJobs= AssetFactory::Create('Job',5);
item and job are that similiar classes. My question is here, as i said im trying to learn. Am i doing this right? Did i understand factory pattern right? Have any good documents about this(i read everything on php.net, got anything else).
There are few thing that seem wrong in this case.
First of all , there are two similar structures which are used for object creation:
Usually people do not distinguish between the two, and just call them "Factories". So these would be two case where you use a factory.
What you have right now does not fit the description. You are creating some sort of database connection, then getting some data, and then using it for creating a list of objects. This is not a reusable code.
It would be much better if the usage of factory would be something like this :
$connection = new PDO( .. blah.. );
$stmt = $connection->query( 'SELECT * FROM '.$type.' LIMIT '.$count );
$factory = new Factory;
$collection = $factory->buildCollection( $type, $stmt->fetchALL(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) );
Of course, with factory class which implements this behavior.
Additionally , you might want to watch (assuming, that you haven't seen already) two videos on the subject: